Tag: wrong
We’re All Recycling Wrong, So Companies Are Finally Trying To Make It Easier – HuffPost
We’re All Recycling Wrong, So Companies Are Finally Trying To Make It Easier HuffPost
BIRDSBORO, Pennsylvania ― If you’ve ever dropped a potato chip bag into a recycling bin full of bottles and cans and hoped it might get recycled, there’s something you should know: It’s almost certainly sitting in a landfill right now. A recycling center employee or an automated sorting system most likely found the bag and removed it from the other household recyclables. Each year, people trash 12 billion tons of flexible plastic packaging, according to the consultancy Resource Recycling Systems. Cheap and ubiquitous, items like grocery, dog food and snack bags are recyclable in theory but …
Oak Park, you’re recycling wrong | Articles | News | OakPark.com – Wednesday Journal
Oak Park, you’re recycling wrong | Articles | News | OakPark.com Wednesday Journal
The Village of Oak Park is calling on residents to get it right the first time when it comes to recycling and has announced new recycling rules that could mean …