Blue Whale Facts: Complete Guide To The Largest Animal That Has Ever Lived

The blue whale is not just the world’s largest living animal; it’s also the largest animal ever to have lived. This huge marine mammal is bigger than the biggest dinosaurs!
On this page is a complete guide to the blue whale.
Meet The Blue Whale

The blue whale (scientific name Balaenoptera musculus) holds the distinction of being the largest known animal ever to have lived on Earth, with individuals reaching up to 100 feet (30 meters) in length and weighing as much as 200 tons. The species is characterized by a mottled bluish-grey body and a broad, flat head.
Despite its enormous size, the blue whale feeds predominantly on small, shrimp-like crustaceans called krill, consuming several tons per day during peak feeding season.
Usually found either alone or in small groups, the blue whale keeps in touch with others …